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Prof. Francisco Gil-White on Oslo & History of PLO




From 10 Av 5765 to 20 Adar 5772

Terrorists Fire Another Rocket at Israel Thursday

by David Lev

The IDF responded to Wednesday’s Gaza terror rocket attacks by striking at terror targets in Gaza.

Despite the de facto cease fire in southern Israel, Gaza Arab terrorists fired another rocket at Israel Thursday morning. The rocket exploded in an open area near the city of Netivot in southern Israel. No one was injured, and no damage was reported.

This was the fourth rocket fired at Israel since the cease fire was announced. Three rockets were fired at Israeli targets Wednesday night by Gaza Arab terrorists. Two of the missiles aimed at Be’ersheva were intercepted by the Iron Dome rocket defense system, while the third fell near the town of Ofakim in an open field.

Click here to continue reading at Israel National News

GV’s observations —

Tragic irony: The Glezele Vayne banner featuring Jews being thrown out of their legal homes in Amona, of one weeping woman, bravely attempting to do the impossible, to hold back a determined Jewish force that could not come to terms with why she insisted. “I belong here.”

The Amona Expulsion — A mere six months after the Gush Katif Expulsion. 8,000 – 10,000 Jews thrown out of their legal homes in Gush Katif. By Jews. The Amona expulsion haunts me. And now it juxtapositions today’s news of Grad rockets smuggled in from Egypt, fired by Islamic Jihad…a full fledged proxy of Iran. 200 and counting in a matter of days —

Hamas says they’ve lost control to the Iranian Islamic Jihad.

The long-suffering Jews of foresight; the Jews of Gush Katif; of Amona; of Migron. They told us this day would come. When the Israeli government refused to take them seriously they wept. They wept for themselves. They wept for the future losses and suffering of their nation to whom they had given all.

The victims of 10 Av 5765 saw the children of 20 Adar 5772, running for the bomb shelters, unable to go to school, to play outside. I know because so did I. I wept that entire summer, not willing to comprehend what Israel was doing to herself. I ached to be there with them; to hurt alongside them. I watched every video, read every word of Shlomo Wollins. Neither of us could believe our eyes.

10 Av 5765: Photos of Jews throwing Jews out of their homes…nestled atop the nightmare come true; of Iranian puppets raining missiles down on those very Jews who kidded themselves into dreaming that the “disengagement” the lying words they put themselves to sleep with, would solve Israel’s problems.

“This time the world will know. Israel is serious about peace.”, they told themselves. Like a beaten wife who tries her best to cook dinner just a little more perfect next time; to apply the make-up hiding the bruises just a little thicker this time.

Newly homeless, jobless Jews wept on the 10th of Av 5765. On 10 Av 5765, they wept for their destroyed businesses, communities, batei knesseth, homes and schools. They knew they would never fully recover those losses. Not in this world.

They saw today, 20 Adar 5772. And so did I. I don’t know how anyone could not.

We aim to please the world, and so we never do. They demand more and know less. Yes, the world demands more land, more businesses, more communities, batei knesseth, homes and schools from you, Jews of Israel. It will never be enough. Can’t you see? Has murderous hatred become so normal to you? An enemy who can’t even let your dead rest in peace will not let you rest either. A world who turns a blind eye to the desecration of your dead will turn a blind eye to the desecration of your life.

Jews turned on their fellow Jews, threw them off their land, out of their homes, to please everyone but themselves, everyone but G-d. The world demands more. Knows less. And the children of Israel refuse to claim Israel’s legacy. The people chosen by G-d to lead the world to Truth have lost their the way to their Inner Truth. The people of the Book don’t believe it anymore. It is only fairy tales now.

Only thing is, all those “fairy tales” are your only raison d’etre, your only source of chizzuk. That is by Design. Ignore your legacy? Disregard your Title Deed? At your peril, for then you cut yourself off from your Source.

The Land is yours to create a Torah enlightened society…a model for the world to follow. That is your only claim.

The first step is to make your claim. Sovereign nationhood, free from all enemies foreign and domestic is a part of the Divine Plan for all nations. How can the world follow you, and learn what it means to be safe and secure in their own, unique nations if you refuse to do so in yours? The world is a garden and you are the chief flower, but if you refuse to bloom, the rest of the garden wilts.

You must lead Jews or you will be lead … to more tragic, ironic juxtapositioning.

Israel’s Iron Clad Claims

Professor Howard Grief articulately outlines the Jewish people’s iron clad claim on all of historic Eretz Israel in the following series:

For a written summary: Legal Rights and Title of Sovereignty of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel and Palestine Under International Law

The 731 page book, above summarized, entitled “The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel Under International Law” by Professor Howard Grief is an indepth study of the subject, and should be considered required reading for anyone interested in the true history surrounding the conflict between the State of Israel and the Arab and Muslim world.

A Perspective on Horrific Events by the Shmuz

Lipa Schmeltzer Talking about Leiby Kletzky HY”D

Yosef Ben-Livnat

Glenn Beck: I Stand Tonight With Israel

Palestinian Authority TV song states Jaffa, Acre, Haifa, Nazareth and more are Palestinian

92-Year-Old Palestinian Woman: Palestinians Should Massacre Jews Like We Massacred Them in Hebron

Itamar Yeshiva: Remembering the Massacre, Continuing to Build

Cowboys and….

Three strangers strike up a conversation in the airport passenger lounge in Bozeman, Montana while awaiting their respective flights. One is an American Indian passing through from Lame Deer. Another was a Cowboy on his way to Billings for a livestock show and the third passenger is a fundamentalist Arab student, newly arrived at Montana State University from the Middle East.

Their discussion drifts to their diverse cultures.  Soon, the two Westerners learn that the Arab is a devout, radical Muslim and the conversation falls into an uneasy lull. The cowboy leans back in his chair, crosses his boots on a magazine table and tips his big sweat-stained hat forward to cover his face. The wind outside is blowing tumbleweeds around, and the old windsock is flapping; but still no plane comes.

Finally, the American Indian clears his throat and softly he speaks, “At one time here, my people were many, but sadly, now we are few.” The Muslim student raises an eyebrow and leans forward, “Once my people were few,” he sneers, “and now we are many. “Why do you suppose that is?”

The Montana cowboy shifts his toothpick to one side of his mouth and from the darkness beneath his Stetson says in a smooth drawl. “That’s ’cause we ain’t played Cowboys and Muslims yet, but I do believe it’s a-comin’.”

In response to Sheikh Anjem Choudary’s threats that jihad is coming to the heart of America.

Cartoon from: ilovemypit’s photostream

Zionism and Maps

We are bombarded constantly with the claims of alleged Israeli brutality and unfairness towards the Arabs in the Administered Territories, known historically as Judea and Samaria.

Howard Grief, author of the exhaustive work entitled, “The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law“, on the San Remo Conference, “The San Remo Resolution converted the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917 from a mere statement of British policy expressing sympathy with the goal of the Zionist movement to create a Jewish state into a binding act of international law that required specific fulfillment by Britain of this object in active cooperation with the Jewish people….The term “Jewish National Home” was defined to mean a state by the British government at the Cabinet session which approved the Balfour Declaration on October 31, 1917….It was absurd to imagine that this phrase could be used to indicate that only a part of Palestine was reserved for the future Jewish National Home, since both were created simultaneously and used interchangeably, with the term “Palestine” pointing out the geographical location of the future independent Jewish state.” Link for more reading here.

Below is the map of the original British Mandate, which committed Britain legally to the job of facilitating the creation of a national homeland for the Jewish people, a comittment which they later reneged, thus violating international law, because it was no longer in the British national interest to keep their word, what with the increasing need for Middle Eastern (Arab) oil.

The British illegally backed out of this commitment. The World Zionist Organization proposed a significantly scaled down map. However, in the end, the Yishuv (Jewish community living in Eretz Israel prior to statehood) had to settle for the following UN Partition Plan. It was a hard pill to swallow, and has been dubbed “Auschwitz borders”, but the Jewish community accepted it, grateful for some corner of the earth to call their own. The Arab world rejected this plan and went to war shortly after Israel was re-born. In fact, Ben-Gurion could hear the beginnings of war as he declared Israel’s independence.

Look at the map below, from The Israeli Committe Against (Arab) House Demolitions (ICAHD). They don’t trouble themselves with Jewish home demolitions, which go on constantly, often in the dead of night against Jewish homes on legally purchased Jewish land; nor were they around during the Gush Katif expulsions, except perhaps to cheer on the destroyers; nor do they object or demonstrate against the current defacto restrictions against Jews building in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. Treating two populations living in the same region in such a radically different manner without cause (to prevent terrorism) is against international law.

Seems pretty darn unfair, doesn’t it?

Except, when one looks at the broad overview. See the map below, which demonstrates the real truth of the matter. Consider just how small the nation of Israel is, compared to the vastness of the entire Muslim empire. Then read some good history books (written by bona fide, scholarly and objective historians). And as you read, compare these maps. The Jewish people have been willing to compromise and settle for less and less and less. It seems to never satisfy the Arab/Muslim world, or to bring peace. That is because the conflict is not about land or political rights. Land and political rights are strawman arguments put out there to confuse those who don’t look at the total picture.

Glezele Vayne’s top six recommended organizations that deserve the Zionist dollar:

Foundation for Constitutional Democracy

Justice for Jonathan Pollard

Justice Now!

Manhigut Yehudit

Stop the ISM

Zionist Freedom Alliance

Z Street

WESTERN FRONT: PA State=Genocide

Sultan Knish’s (Daniel Greefield) Op-Ed at Israel National News pretty much says it all — again.

On the 11th of March, two Arab Muslim men climbed through the window of a home in the village of Itamar, and massacred an entire family, killing both parents, stabbing a 4 year old boy twice in the chest, murdering an 11 year old while he sat up reading in bed and slitting the throat of a 3 month old baby girl.

A week later, Israeli and Arab pollsters conducted a survey in the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem. A third of the Arabs surveyed supported these atrocities.

All the justifications for a Palestinian state fall away in the face of this simple fact. A third of the residents of any Palestinian state favor the murder of Jewish children. Not to achieve any larger goal, but just because they are Jewish children. To call for a Palestinian state in the face of that fact is to advocate genocide.

Click here to continue reading….

Photo of Nordhausen found at Louise Palanker’s Photostream

Re-tweaked: The non-messiah status of Jesus of Nazareth


Disclaimer: Some Christians, it has come to my attention, are offended by the provocative starkness of parts of the following post.

The purpose of this post is to demonstrate concisely that Jesus of Nazareth does not fit the Torah‘s criteria for King Messiah. The status of “Messiah ben David“, another name for King Messiah, is considered by Judaism to be a uniquely special status, so much so that when the term “The Messiah” is used, everyone who is familiar with the concept of this singular personality immediately knows what exact function or office, if you will, is being referred to, (even if we don’t know the identity of the man who will fulfill that function at this point in history) much like when Americans refer to “The President”. 

Even if Jesus is not “special” within the context of this post, if he did indeed live during the Second Temple period, and if indeed he was murdered, as so many Jewish patriots were murdered by the Roman beasts during those days, then of course, as any human being is special merely by virtue of the fact that he, like all human beings, was created in the image of G-d and was yet another martyr, at that level, Jesus would have been “special”.

However, that does not mean he was special in the messianic sense. And that is question. Was Jesus the uniquely special messiah who brings in the Messianic Age?

A. God is not man or corporeal in anyway = Jesus was a man, not God = not special

B. Sin is not only forgiven with animal blood sacrifices; human sacrifice is forbidden by the Torah = Death on a cross not necessary = not special

C. Miracles (not even rising from the dead) do not prove anything concerning candidacy for the office of Messiah = Jesus’ supposed miracles don’t mean anything = not special

D. Dying at the hands of the Romans and Sadducees was common in that era = Jesus’ death was one of many = not special

E. Messiah must complete his mission before dying = Jesus death disqualified him = not special

F. Messiah cannot simply “fly down” out of the sky. Becoming king is an intensely legal process overseen by the Sanhedrin = Jesus did not undergo such a process. (See C) = not special

Jesus was an insurrectionist against Roman representatives in Judea, made promises he didn’t fulfill, thought himself to be King Messiah and/or a prophet, did nothing to qualify as a candidate for King Messiah according to the Torah and Prophets (See Aryeh Kaplan‘s Anthology II on the process of qualifying as a prophet). He was instead killed and has never “come back.” He was not the only self-styled rabbi/prophet/messiah to get into serious trouble, make promises, and ultimately be killed by Rome. There were many in that time.

Because Jesus’ life was not special in any way from any other failed or false messiah, Jewish martyr or human being, Jews do not need to pay attention to him or his life, and should certainly not make him the centerpiece in their thinking. He is a non-issue for us and a piece of old news in our history. We rejected the Ishmaelite Muhammad for the same or similar reasons.

Next week: A Demonstration that the New Testament does not fit within the mesorah of Judaism, in that it is not a part of Torat Mosheh.

A Story about Rav Kook: A Fatal Mistake on Passover

by Rabbi Chanan Morrison

Baruch Duvdevani served as the Executive Director of the Jewish Agency’s Aliyah department. He recounted this tragic story:

It was the winter of 5716 (1956), immediately following the Sinai Campaign. Poland and the USSR had just signed a treaty allowing all Polish citizens who had fled to Russia during World War II to return to Poland. Jewish or not, they had the right to return, as long as they were Polish citizens on September 1, 1939, the day the War broke out. As a result of this treaty, thousands of Jews throughout Russia returned to Poland, and the majority of them subsequently immigrated to Israel.

I was privileged to spend that year, and the next, in Poland, helping organize this mass aliyah to Israel.

One December morning, when the temperature in Warsaw reached 19 degrees below zero (Celsius), I arrived at the Israeli embassy where we were stationed for our immigration work. The courtyard was filled with scores of people who had come from Russia to immigrate to Eretz Yisrael. I stopped and talked to each and every one of them at length. Our hearts were so filled with joy that we did not feel the cold.

I noticed an old Jew standing in the corner of the courtyard. He was bone-thin, with practically no flesh on his body. His dim eyes lacked any spark of life; his cheekbones protruded profusely; and his clothes were tattered and torn, despite the bitter cold. I realized immediately that the man wanted to speak with me and that he was simply waiting for me to finish talking to the others.

Click here to read the rest of the story….

American Aliyah; The Next Jewish Project

I consider history and I consider the near future. Time appears to me as a corkscrew, winding around a stationary pole. I think that is how our Sages taught us. As I view photos of hundreds of automaton Hezbollah-nikim giving the Nazi salute, I feel as if my soul has been here before — and I am disturbed by the visions of the past, the future, dancing painfully in my mind.

Now I know how this happened before, and I know it could happen again……very soon.

Then I watch my beautiful, precious, innocent children as they play, not knowing the dark days we may all face, and I sigh. I read yet another news story obsessively, hearing the drumbeats, the war whoops, the bloody threats. I write, and I pray I am wrong. Someone will stop this madness, no? I sing laments over and over and over, another way to pray. I hope that somehow, this will all make some difference.

Then the lights go on in my mind. And I pack to move back to E”Y – home. American Jews, 6 million strong, back in E”Y – settling where the world forbids us to settle, all becoming obstacles to “peace” (whew), in Yehudah and Shomron, where our history unfolded…. The American can-do spirit, reviving our tired out brethren who have been saving our spot for us all these long, weary years. Our ancient kings didn’t know Tel Aviv. They knew Beit El…they knew Itamar. They knew Jerusalem. They knew Shechem, Hevron.

We need to go home, or we just may perish before we get the chance, chas v’shalom, as Ben Gurion sadly predicted — are we only Jewish dust? Will we continue to abandon half our people by loving the goldeneh golus?

This is not an advertisement for Nefesh b’Nefesh, but…who believes it is an accident, that G-d has given us this generous leg-up? In the history of the Jewish people, nothing is an accident. It all means something.

Prior to the Shoah, Jabo toured Europe, desperately telling his beloved brothers and sisters, “Liquidate the golus before the golus liquidates you.” — to incredulous crowds of European Jews. Many jeered him, did not believe him, thought Eretz Israel was certainly more dangerous than Europe…did not want to leave family, to uproot children…to turn their lives upside down. Even many rabbis, out of well-placed concern for their flock’s souls (the Zionist leadership of Israel was proving hostile to seriously observant communities) advised their congregants to disregard Jabo. And so…many did not heed Jabo’s desperate plea.

We have hindsight as foresight because Hashem has taught us how to use our history as our future. They did not go when they could…and then, one day, Europe was on lock-down. And Jabo was right.

Loss and Determination in Itamar

Jews Belong in Yehudah & Shomron….

So, let’s build!!

Defense Ministry Presents: Watch Iron Dome Intercept

Anis Shorrosh sees Islam’s 20-year plan for US

Anis Shorrosh, author of ”Islam Revealed” and ”The True Furqan,” is a Christian Arab-American who emigrated from Arab-controlled Jerusalem in January 1967.

”The following is my analysis of Islamic invasion of America, the agenda of Islamists and visible methods to take over America by the year 2020,” Shorrosh says. ”Will Americans continue to sleep through this invasion as they did when we were attacked on 9/11?”

Read more: Here

The Palestinian Wall of Lies

Are Settlements An Obstacle to Peace? Part 1 & 2

Tamar Fogel Speaks Out

Hating Israel on Facebook